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Doug O'Neil and Family

Beef Cattle Feedlot

Denfield, Ontario

Over 200 Years

About the Farm and Farmer

Our forefathers came over from Tipperary, Ireland and settled on this same farm over 200 years ago. They brought over mostly British bred cattle, such as Herford, Angus, and Shorthorns that would produce fattier meat with a smaller carcass, these cattle were easier to fatten on pasture land. We have since transitioned to larger crossbred cattle such as Charlais, Limo, and Belgium Blue. These cattle produce a larger carcass of leaner meat and are fed a more grain based feed ration.

How Long Have You Been In Farming?

Farming since birth to some degree (68 years) and now farm with my brother, nephew, son and daughters.

What Type of Farm Do You Have?

Beef feedlot and cash crop (Hay, Corn, Beans, Wheat).

How Do You Approach Sustainability and Environmental Practices on Your Farm?

We try to comply with environmental rules as concerns arise.

What Challenges Do You Face in Your Farming Operation?

We face many challenges as farming and the whole world is constantly changing and evolving. Many common and regular challenges would be erratic and inconsistent weather, such as heat waves and drought, too much rain/moisture, too cold causing pipes and water bowls to freeze, or any other erratic weather patterns. Extreme financial fluctuations and instability in markets, drastic price fluctuations from highs and lows and lows to highs.